Tried by Fire: The Searing True Story of Two Men at the Heart of the Struggle Between the Arabs and the Jews

By Unknown Author.

Tried by Fire: The Searing True Story of Two Men at the Heart of the Struggle Between the Arabs and the Jews


This is the story of two men whose lives, and those of their families, lie at the core of the Arab/Israeli conflict and the search for peace in the Middle East. Bassam Abu-Sharif, Yasser Arafat's chief lieutenant and spokesman, and Uzi Mahnaimi, a former Israeli intelligence major, met in a London restaurant in 1988. As a result of this meeting, they joined forces in the search for peace. Their stories, and those of their fathers and grandfathers, personify 100 years of war between Arab and Jew. - from Amzon


0316914525, 9780316914529


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