The Chicago Schoolhouse: High School Architecture and Educational Reform, 1856-2006 (Center for American Places - Center Books on Chicago and Environs)

By Dale Allen Gyure.

The Chicago Schoolhouse: High School Architecture and Educational Reform, 1856-2006 (Center for American Places - Center Books on Chicago and Environs)


School buildings are vitally important in American lives, yet largely invisible in the landscape of architectural studies. The schoolhouse’s significance cannot be overestimated in a country where education is not only compulsory, but is also an integral part of the national self-image. Between the ages of five and eighteen, the average American child spends more time in a school building than in any other single place outside the home. With The Chicago Schoolhouse Dale Gyure fills a void in the architectural and educational records by examining the physical structures where formal ed...


1935195190, 9781935195191


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